RailsCarma Blogs

Make sure to browse through our blogs and leave comments. We keep posting exciting stuffs about happenings at RailsCarma, share tips and tricks for RoR, pen our thoughts on the ideas we believe will shape the future of Ruby on Rails and lots more!

How to generate & add sitemap to your Rails Application

The use of sitemap confers its own set of advantages to a website. While it can add significant value in terms of smooth website navigation …

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How to make your Rails Application Multilingual

Rails gem approach, MySQL approach and a Multilingual Rails structure Most of the world doesn’t speak English. That’s where internationalization and localization come in. Rails …

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Multi-tenant Architecture with PostgreSQL Schemas

In Multi-tenant architecture by using single instance it serves multiple accounts. Each account is called a tenant. There are so many different approaches to implement …

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How To Generate a Swagger Docs For Rails API

Making API for a Rails application is simple for a Ruby on Rails developer. In any case, how different clients/customers will know whether the API …

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Uso de bases de datos SQL y NoSQL en aplicaciones Single Rails (MySQL, PostgreSQL y MongoDB)

There are distinctive reasons why you should think about having various databases in your Ruby on Rails application. In my situation, I expected to store …

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Search Kick Gem – To Make Your Search Intelligent On Rails App

Search kick Gem is a Ruby gem that runs on top of Elasticsearch and makes it easy to make searches in a Rails-friendly fashion. In …

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¿Cómo utilizar Acts_As_Votable Gem?

Acts_As_Votable is ruby gem specifically written for Rails/ActiveRecord models and This gem allows any model to be voted on upvote/downvote like/dislike, etc. It allows any …

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Programación de eventos recurrentes con Ice Cube Gem

Ice_cube is a ruby library for effectively taking care of repeated events (schedules). The force lies in the ability to indicate multiple rules, and have …

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Reasons Why React Native Is The Future

We are always behind ‘Quick’ process activities whether it deals with money or time. IOS and Android are the two dominating operating systems currently hold …

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