Analyse comparative des pratiques
Exigence commerciale
The client wants to develop a testing suite to perform the continuous and integration testing for their entire application code in order to provide a 100 % code coverage report. They wanted to develop the application with higher level quality.
- L'application gère les éléments suivants pour le client :
- Allow the users to take part in the survey by signing up.
- Import csv files to the system.
- View the survey data visually as graphs and charts.
Client has chosen us the development partner for this application due to the technical expertise and years of experience in developing scalable, user-friendly applications in RoR, which are supported by automated testing suites.
Practice Benchmarking Features
- Extensive Rspec testing and code refactoring.
- 100% code coverage reports
- Easily understandable representation of results with Graphs and Charts.
- Flexibility to analyse the data in multiple formats like pdf, csv, graphs etc.
Financial Advisory, Australia
Heures de travail passées
500+ heures
Les technologies
- Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.13
- Gems used rspec-rails, simplecov, factory_girl, database cleaner, faker.
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