
Real-time’s Framework is a blindingly fast bi-directional persistently connected messaging system. It’s a unique means for a company to conduct a live online relationship with clients.

This has the massive advantage of allowing interaction to happen live in real-time, without delays or page refreshes, to create a durable and bidirectional relationship with each online user.

It works with two main components:

Enabling the live web is ORTC (Open Real-time Connectivity): A secure, fast and highly scalable cloud-hosted real-time many-to-many messaging system for web and mobile apps.

Here we can use ORTC client instead of xRTML code snippet provided by for real-timeconnections.

The language of the Live Web s xRTML (Extensible Realtime Multiplatform Language): A set of api tools to build realtime web and mobile apps with an easy to use API based on a JavaScript library.   

Schritte: Include this js plugin

For Sending Messages to Realtime:

window.onload = function () {

   loadOrtcFactory(IbtRealTimeSJType, function (factory, error) {

       if (error != null) {

           alert(“Factory error: ” + error.message);

       } else {

           if (factory != null) {

               // Create ORTC client

               var ortcClient = factory.createClient();

               // Set ORTC client properties




               ortcClient.onConnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Connected            // First Channel

                   ortcClient.subscribe(‘channel1’, true, function (ortc, channel, message) {




// Second Channel

                   ortcClient.subscribe(‘channel2’, true, function (ortc, channel, message) {





               ortcClient.onDisconnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Disconnected

               };   //Send your messages here

               ortcClient.onSubscribed = function (ortc, channel) {

                   // Subscribed to the channel ‘channel’);

                   ortcClient.send(channel, ‘Message to the channel’);


               ortcClient.onUnsubscribed = function (ortc, channel) {

                   // Unsubscribed from the channel ‘channel’);



                ortcClient.onException = function (ortc, exception) {

                    // Exception occurred: ‘exception’


                ortcClient.onReconnecting = function (ortc) {

                    // Trying to reconnect


                ortcClient.onReconnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Reconnected


                           ortcClient.connect(‘myApplicationKey’, ‘myAuthenticationToken’);





For Receiving Messages from Realtime to App Frontend: //Here remove ortcClient.onSubscribed function

window.onload = function () {

   loadOrtcFactory(IbtRealTimeSJType, function (factory, error) {

       if (error != null) {

           alert(“Factory error: ” + error.message);

       } else {

           if (factory != null) {

               // Create ORTC client

               var ortcClient = factory.createClient();

               // Set ORTC client properties




               ortcClient.onConnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Connected                    // First Channel

                   ortcClient.subscribe(‘channel1’, true, function (ortc, channel, message) {




// Second Channel

                   ortcClient.subscribe(‘channel2’, true, function (ortc, channel, message) {





               ortcClient.onDisconnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Disconnected


               ortcClient.onUnsubscribed = function (ortc, channel) {

                   // Unsubscribed from the channel ‘channel’);




                ortcClient.onException = function (ortc, exception) {

                    // Exception occurred: ‘exception’


                ortcClient.onReconnecting = function (ortc) {

                    // Trying to reconnect


                ortcClient.onReconnected = function (ortc) {

                    // Reconnected


                ortcClient.connect(‘myApplicationKey’, ‘myAuthenticationToken’);





Abschließende Anmerkung:

The Real-time framework is henceforth an emerging and fast growing messaging system which helps the business to serve their clients at a very speedy rate and hence also avoid the time gap of providing the services.

This also gives a competitive advantage to the business, as it is the system, that is suitable for today’s recurrently growing world of business.

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