Camaleon CMS– The Latest RoR Content Management System

‘Content is King’. You have heard this adage so many times that every time this cliché phrase pops in front of your system, all you could do is sigh and roll your eyes. Everyone knows content is king but what if it was said that ‘Content Management System’ was the kingmaker? A Content Management System (CMS) in simple terms can be defined as a computer program to empower the non-technical people to add, edit and update information over the website. It provides easy to use interface and a simple environment to manage the content without the need to hand-code or knowledge of programming languages. Content Management system is a framework which can be created through a lot of programming languages from Java, Python, PHP and Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is an open source language and a lot of content management systems are based on it because of its flexibility and secure user interface. Camaleon-CMS is an advanced and dynamic semantic personal publishing CMS based on Ruby on Rails. It allows you to manage your website from anyplace with internet connection. Modular, cost-effective and scalable website, Camaleon-CMS is a feature-packed, established and remarkably well-coded powerful platform focused on aesthetics, web standards and usability. Benefits of Camaleon CMS :
  • Multi-site Management : Camaleon-CMS gives you the benefit that you can manage all your websites from a single point of access instead of having multiple applications with various user names and passwords. You can just sign in and manage your sites, e-commerce stores, blog, intranet, microsites from just a single point of login. Numerous websites can be created with just same installation and a simple form.
  • Multi Language : Camaleon CMS lets you manage content in multiple language from front-end and back-end. You can easily create and manage multiple language versions of your website.
  • Plugins : One of most wonderful things about this CMS is that it is already pre-loaded with many useful plugins and you can add extra plugins without affecting the core.
  • Add Modules : The modular architecture is powerful and robust and designed in such format that they can be added as and when required. The modules data are secured independently and collectively without worrying about disturbing the core.
  • Themes : There are a lot of theme available for this CMS which could be customized to suit the look and feel of your website.
  • Drag and Drop and Customize : The CMS allows for a drag and drop function wherein even non-technical users have the control to easily edit and restructure pages.
  • Simple, Intuitive and Efficient : Very easy to learn and use, this CMS is programmed to lessen user time and reduce training time.
  • SEO Friendly : Camaleon CMS was built to be SEO friendly. It allows for links with built-in keywords providing the links a clean look as opposed to having strange characters and long numbers. It allows for easy edit for HTML titles, keywords and description.
  • Social Media Friendly : You can easily add Social networking websites button in the header or footer of the site and it even allows you to install comments tab.
  • User Management : Camaleon CMS permit you to manage your users by roles, – Administrator, – Editor, Contributor and client.
 How to Install Camaleon CMS ? You can install Camaleon-CMS with the following steps. However, before you can install Camaleon-CMS, you need to ensure that you have Ruby on Rails 4.1+ as Camaleon-CMS is compatible with that version. Install Ruby on Rails 4.1+ (if you don’t have that version) Create your rails project :
rails new my_project
Add the gem in your Gemfile :
gem ‘camaleon_cms’
Install the gem :
instalación del paquete
Install the CMS (This will copy some basic templates and plugins in your project) :
rails generate camaleon_cms:install
Install required Gems for CMS and basic plugins
instalación del paquete
Create database structure
rastrillo db:migrar
Start your server
rails server # start your server
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 (First time will show new site form) Access information for your site Source: ( )
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