Artículos técnicos

Realice llamadas de voz a través de aplicaciones web Ruby on Rails

In today’s life everyone is busy with there work, no one wants to recieve unwanted or spam calls to their phones. So, if you want to filter out the spam calls or unpriority calls you can do so using Plivo. Plivo provides Ruby SDK as well as well-maintained documentation to integrate Plivo for voice calls …

Realice llamadas de voz a través de aplicaciones web Ruby on Rails Leer más »

¿Cómo importar/exportar una base de datos MySQL en Rails?

Here’s How you can Import and Export MySQL Database – To Export DB mysqldump -u [username] -p [db_name] > [sql_file_name.sql] – Make its tar(compress) for easily share with other system: tar -czvf [any_name.tar.gz] [sql_file_name.sql]   – Share it to the other system where you want to import it. – Untar the compressed file:tar -xzf [any_name.tar.gz] …

¿Cómo importar/exportar una base de datos MySQL en Rails? Leer más »

Precarga, carga ansiosa, incluye y une en Ruby on Rails

Let’s take an example for understand the difference between them. One company has many employees, and one to many connection is there between company and employees. Preload: Preload loads the data in two queries. Includes also loads associate data in two queries in default case. We can’t use preload to add condition for associate table. …

Precarga, carga ansiosa, incluye y une en Ruby on Rails Leer más »

¿Qué hace que Ruby on Rails sea perfecto para desarrollar el MVP de tu negocio?

The great efficiency of building an MVP is one of the important aspects which make Ruby on Rails perfect choice of technology for the start-ups. Let’s dig a bit deeper to understand what makes Ruby on Rails great for MVP development. Here are some of the reasons why Ruby on Rails is perfect for developing …

¿Qué hace que Ruby on Rails sea perfecto para desarrollar el MVP de tu negocio? Leer más »

Cómo conseguir un desarrollo de aplicaciones rentable y sin errores con Ruby on Rails Consulting

As a startup looking to develop its business application, you are likely faced with a few understandable challenges that might seem to be major roadblocks in the path of your business realising its digital transformation objectives. With the limited resources, your business has access to, these challenges may include a budget too small to be …

Cómo conseguir un desarrollo de aplicaciones rentable y sin errores con Ruby on Rails Consulting Leer más »

¿Por qué elegir Ruby-on-Rails para el desarrollo web?

Why choose ruby on rails for your web and mobile application development in 2018?

In the changing technological landscape, it can be a challenge to predict as to how long will the current trends last. So, the big question is that with the advent of new technologies, whether Rails will continue to remain relevant for full-stack web application development in 2018 and beyond. From our perspective, there is no …

Why choose ruby on rails for your web and mobile application development in 2018? Leer más »

Metamagic 101 – Introducción, instalación y uso

Metamagic gem is a RoR plugin for creating and managing meta tags. It auto-generates the meta tags dynamically throughout and cuts down the need for writing it every time. In addition to the regular meta tags, metamagic also supports custom tags, OpenGraph (Facebook) and Twitter Cards. It is a critical factor to consider while developing …

Metamagic 101 – Introducción, instalación y uso Leer más »
