RailsCarma Blogs

Make sure to browse through our blogs and leave comments. We keep posting exciting stuffs about happenings at RailsCarma, share tips and tricks for RoR, pen our thoughts on the ideas we believe will shape the future of Ruby on Rails and lots more!

Building Tomorrow The Evergreen Role of Ruby on Rails in 2024

Building Tomorrow: The Evergreen Role of Ruby on Rails in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, certain technologies stand the test of time, proving their resilience and adaptability. One such stalwart in the realm …

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Understanding and Utilizing Delegates in Ruby on Rails

Understanding and Utilizing Delegates in Ruby on Rails: A Comprehensive Guide

Delegates play a crucial role in Ruby on Rails development, enabling effective communication and encapsulating functionality within the framework. Whether you are a beginner or …

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Création de l'API GraphQL dans Rails Un guide d'installation rapide

Création de l'API GraphQL dans Rails : un guide d'installation rapide

GraphQL, a modern query language for APIs, paired with Ruby on Rails, offers a powerful combination for streamlined API development. In this quick guide, we’ll …

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Modèles de bases de données et migrations dans Rails avec SQL Server

Modèles de bases de données et migrations dans Rails avec SQL Server

Ruby on Rails is a powerful web application framework that provides a convenient way to interact with databases. When working with SQL Server as your …

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Comment les entreprises peuvent utiliser Ruby on Rails pour améliorer la cybersécurité

Comment les entreprises peuvent utiliser Ruby on Rails pour la cybersécurité

Cybersecurity is no longer a luxury or an afterthought; with an increasing number of businesses going digital, safeguarding data and web assets has become an …

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Routage RESTful dans Rails

Routage RESTful dans Rails pour les opérations CRUD

RESTful routing is a fundamental concept in Ruby on Rails that simplifies the implementation of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in web applications. In …

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Comment refactoriser votre application Rails avec des objets de service

Comment refactoriser votre application Rails avec des objets de service

As Rails applications grow in complexity, it becomes crucial to maintain clean, readable, and maintainable code. One effective approach to achieve this is through refactoring …

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Joyau du cocon

Comment utiliser la gemme cocon dans Rails 7 ?

The Cocoon gem is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of nested forms in Rails applications. With Cocoon, you can easily handle dynamic additions …

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Travaux en arrière-plan et planification des tâches dans Ruby on Rails

Travaux en arrière-plan et planification des tâches dans Ruby on Rails

In modern web applications, it’s crucial to handle time-consuming tasks efficiently without affecting the user experience. Ruby on Rails provides robust solutions for executing background …

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