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Comment ajouter des fonctionnalités aux classes Ruby avec des décorateurs

Decorators allow us to add behavior to objects in runtime and don’t affect other objects of the class. Decorators can be applied when you need to dynamically add and remove responsibility to a class. The decorator pattern is a helpful alternative to creating sub-classes. They give additional functionality to a class while still keeping the …

Comment ajouter des fonctionnalités aux classes Ruby avec des décorateurs En savoir plus "

Avantages stratégiques du SaaS pour les entreprises

Remember when the word ‘cloud’ meant something vague, indistinct, and misty shape, up in the sky? All this changed few decades ago, when ‘Cloud’ was introduced which took the IT world with storm and everyone with a computer and their dog started using cloud to store and share. Turn on the telly or do a …

Avantages stratégiques du SaaS pour les entreprises En savoir plus "


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