L'importance du marketing relationnel

 Bien marketing relationnel means being truly interested in the people you deal with, both from a business and personal view. Relationship Marketing is a key factor in today’s business world. It’s not anymore about the initial enthusiasm you show when you bag a project, but, the continuing process of understanding the client’s requirement is what matters most. Even after the project gets completed, the way you nurture and grow your relationship with the client will ensure that the client comes back to you every single time. Also, if the service you offer is consistent and reliable, then word of mouth will bring in more and more projects for you.

Voici quelques-unes des façons de bâtir une relation client solide

Communiquer sur une note personnelle

What many people fail to understand is that “Every conversation with a client need not be about business alone.” While discussing business issues is usually the main purpose of speaking with someone, finding out something personal about them takes the relationship to the next level. Learning about hobbies, special interests, family, accomplishments, leisure time activities, organization memberships, and special dates such as birthdays will help you make a deeper connection with them. Peeling off layers of formality can lead to much better and long lasting relationships.

Considérez la réussite de vos clients comme la vôtre

The success of a project you are working on for a client is imperative for your success, but, your client’s success is not alone dependent on the project. Understanding the client’s business and helping them out with ways they can improve their business is one of the ways to build a strong relationship. No one will get offended if you offer a suggestion. The way you suggest makes all the difference. The core philosophy of management of customer relationships is relatively simple and constant, i.e. focus on the relationship with your customer not as a single transaction but as a partnership.

Parlez uni

Imagine if your developer is asked something about your company by the client and, the information he shares is different from what you have shared. Clients want to know that their needs are being addressed consistently throughout the organization. It should be your main agenda to communicate the client’s goals and objectives at every level throughout the company. This ensures that the client gets the correct picture about the project progress. Regular, ongoing communication involving all team members usually results in more creative solutions to difficult problems and saves both time and money. Not ensuring this will lead to severed relationships and may also force clients to cancel projects.

Créer un point de contact

Une personne de haut niveau possédant une expérience managériale significative et une connaissance approfondie du marché peut constituer un intermédiaire essentiel pour les deux entreprises, en particulier lorsque des problèmes surviennent ou lorsque des équipes ou des membres du personnel appropriés sont affectés à un projet particulier.

Mettre en place un comité pour chaque client

Un comité composé de personnes des deux entreprises est très utile pour évaluer l'efficacité et le confort avec lesquels les deux entreprises collaborent. Un tel comité permettra également d'identifier les défis potentiels et de fournir des méthodes aux équipes, ce qui contribuera à améliorer les points forts de la relation.

In the future, more and more reliance will be placed on relationships. In some cases, these are termed “partnerships,” and that is truly what they are because, each party relies on the others help to be successful. Each partner has a vested interest in cultivating and maintaining the relationship even if the other doesn’t seem to be sharing in the effort. Marketing relationnel en est une pour le présent et aussi pour l’avenir. Investir dans le marketing relationnel est l’une des meilleures décisions que votre organisation puisse prendre.

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