All Aboard…Ruby on Rails 3.1!

Rubis sur Rails 3.1 utilise une nouvelle technologie appelée Sprockets pour accélérer l'exécution de JavaScript. Sprockets compile toutes les fonctionnalités qu'une application Web utilise dans un seul fichier, ce qui simplifie le travail du développeur et accélère le temps de réponse de l'application. De nouvelles fonctionnalités à surveiller

Pipeline d'actifs

Asset Pipeline est la principale fonctionnalité de la version (Ruby on Rails 3.1). En termes simples, il permet une bonne organisation des fichiers CSS et JavaScript. Le pipeline d’actifs simplifie l’organisation et la gestion de vos actifs.

Combining the pipeline with a well-tuned web and application server means that web sites being blazing fast! Also, browsers will load pages quicker than ever before, specially when used with the asset pipeline, because it’s just one file used throughout the app. Ideally, while the user is navigating through your website, his browser wouldn’t need to load the assets again since it’s cached; so loading time is only experienced at the first visit.

Diffusion HTTP

HTTP streaming(Ruby on Rails 3.1 update) helps the server by sending data to the client in chunks. Rather then sending it only when the page has been fully rendered, it sends rendered content as soon as it’s produced.

jQuery est maintenant par défaut

La bibliothèque JavaScript par défaut pour Rubis sur Rails has been switched to jQuery. Users can easily change from the previous default library, Prototype, through a single command. Developers shouldn’t notice any difference, and going forward, Ruby on Rails will be able to harness the work being done on this popular library.

These are just some of the new features available to you with Rails 3.1. There’s a lot of other good stuff you can explore. Tell us which of the features listed here would most suite your needs. Happy coding!

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