
Comment configurer Catch-All pour le serveur de messagerie Postfix sans panneau de configuration ?

Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent (MTA), supporting LDAP, SMTP AUTH (SASL), TLS and running in a chroot environment. It is a Wietse Venema’s mailer that started life as an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. It attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough …

Comment configurer Catch-All pour le serveur de messagerie Postfix sans panneau de configuration ? En savoir plus "

Comment accéder à AWStats depuis l'extérieur de CPanel ?

 AWStats is an open source web analysis tool, suitable for analyzing data from Internet services such as web, streaming media, mail and FTP servers. It parses and analyzes server log files, producing HTML reports. Data is visually presented within reports by tables and bar graphs. Static reports can be created through a command line interface, …

Comment accéder à AWStats depuis l'extérieur de CPanel ? En savoir plus "

Comment générer et installer un certificat auto-signé sur Apache ?

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is used to encrypt the data stream between the web server and the web client (the browser). SSL makes use of what is known as asymmetric cryptography, commonly referred to as public key cryptography (PKI). With public key cryptography, two keys are created, one public, one private. Anything encrypted with …

Comment générer et installer un certificat auto-signé sur Apache ? En savoir plus "

How To Set Up A Rails Application On Main Domain With Passenger?

Passenger is an rails application server for Ruby (Rack) and Python (WSGI) apps. It allows you to get your web apps online with the least amount of hassle, by taking care of pretty much all of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to managing your apps’ processes and resources. What makes it so …

How To Set Up A Rails Application On Main Domain With Passenger? En savoir plus "

How To Get User Information From Facebook To Rails Application?

With Facebook’s Graph API and the creation of the Open Graph protocol, it is now easier then ever before to read and write data from facebook to rails application and back to the “social graph”. Here’s a few of the possibilities: You could turn your webpage into a fully-featured Facebook-like page, just like if you …

How To Get User Information From Facebook To Rails Application? En savoir plus "

Ruby on Rails- The Road Ahead…

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. The growing demand for Ruby on Rails has been driven by successful companies who benefit from the speed and agility of building applications in Rails, which results in increased productivity and company growth. One such example is that of freelancify. com …

Ruby on Rails- The Road Ahead… En savoir plus "

Ruby on Rails vs CakePHP- The Battle Continues…

CakePHP and Ruby on Rails are two of the most popular open source frameworks used for developing dynamic websites and web applications. However, often developers come across this question. Ruby on Rails or CakePHP? Well, the answer, to a large extent depends on what you really need out of a web application framework, the time …

Ruby on Rails vs CakePHP- The Battle Continues… En savoir plus "


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