Articles techniques

Multilocation en utilisant Apartment Gem

Let us first understand the difference between single and multi-tenancy Single tenancy: Every customer is having their own software instance, own DB and it serves for only one customer. Here, the software can be customized to meet the specific customer requirements as it is independent. Multi tenancy: In this case, single instance of software application …

Multilocation en utilisant Apartment Gem En savoir plus "

La valeur des meilleurs services de développement Ruby on Rails pour votre entreprise

The ultimate goal of running any business is its commercial viability eventually, leading to growing profit margins. This can best be achieved by increasing organizational efficiencies and efficient achievement of the business goals. Profits are what the entrepreneurs take all possible business risks for. This post is an effort to help you appreciate the relevance …

La valeur des meilleurs services de développement Ruby on Rails pour votre entreprise En savoir plus "

Configuration de Jenkins pour RSpec et couverture de code

This article depicts the accomplishment of the objectives of the integration that impacts delivering software faster with no bugs, the issues confronted and the proposed upgrade to convey smooth and qualitative Software. The key goals hereby, are to develop confidence to modify code and validate it quickly, to be in a position to perform tech …

Configuration de Jenkins pour RSpec et couverture de code En savoir plus "

Avantages commerciaux de Ruby on Rails

Ever wondered why Twitter, Basecamp, Hulu, Groupon & LivingSocial use Ruby on Rails for their application? It kind of reassures you about the credibility and efficiency of a technology when such big names base their business applications on it. Ruby on Rails as the technology of choice, doesn’t only offer an improved performance and shorter …

Avantages commerciaux de Ruby on Rails En savoir plus "

Comment créer des URL conviviales pour la recherche dans Rails

Display IDs in your URLs can be terrible and wasteful for SEO. In this blog entry, I will demonstrate to you how you can utilize slugs to make your URLs more relevant to the page content. In the first place, we will utilize an implicit arrangement (superseding the to_param strategy) to change the URLs and …

Comment créer des URL conviviales pour la recherche dans Rails En savoir plus "

Suivez les modifications apportées aux données de votre modèle avec Paper Trail Gem

Paper trail lets us track all the changes in the models data for the purpose of its editing and versioning. By using this gem, we can see how a model looks, at every stage of its life-cycle and we can take it back to any version of the model data and we can even undo …

Suivez les modifications apportées aux données de votre modèle avec Paper Trail Gem En savoir plus "

Rails caching with dalli gem

Dalli is a high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers. It works with memcached 1.4+ only, as it uses the newer binary protocol. MemcacheMemcached is a quick in-memory protest reserving framework that can make Rails run much quicker with not very many changes.Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for little pieces of discretionary …

Rails caching with dalli gem En savoir plus "
