
Ruby on Rails 開発にフリーランサーを雇う理由、あるいは雇わない理由は何ですか?

With its speed, coding efficiency and programmer-friendly approach, Ruby on Rails has gained remarkable popularity in the world of technology. Its rich and extensive resources of all the frameworks and libraries combined with the focus on object-oriented syntax, clean coding practices and the well-developed community, Ruby on Rails is time-tested and market-proven as a developer-friendly technology. While theoretically it may sound like a great idea to hire freelance RoR developers and get your project accomplished, you get exposed to the real challenges of on-boarding freelance developers only once you gain a first-hand experience of it. The wide-ranging challenges freelancing brings with it, entail the need for efficient and agile project …

Ruby on Rails 開発にフリーランサーを雇う理由、あるいは雇わない理由は何ですか? 続きを読む "


Tech-Stack Migration: Tech Stack migration from existing outdated framework to a modern framework requires a massive consideration on several key aspects like digital transformation, Cost Impacts, understanding the associated risks of your current landscapes and a mitigation plan to overcome those challenges For instance, on one side migrating to a modern framework and on the other how the modern framework can be leveraged to the in-house applications, how do we eliminate the cost by best utilizing the reusable components, data security & protection, baselining the performance, customer engagement plans, forecast, future expansion are also some of the critical aspects to consider. Considerations: Lower Maintenance Cost More Efficient Higher Performance Scalability …

最新のフレームワークへの技術スタックの移行 続きを読む "

Ruby on Rails開発会社に就職する際に留意すべき7つのポイント

Technical recruitments are trickier than one may imagine. Whether it is on part of a business seeking technical services or the service providers, they can end up building a wrong or a misfit partnership resulting in the wastage of resources and efforts. At time, there are technical service providers who claim to provide superior services, end up under-delivering and then, there are times when good service providers have to struggle through unreasonable demands of the businesses resulting into inefficient projects in both the ways. Hiring the right technology team is critical since if you end up hiring a wrong team, it can totally disrupt and even sap energy from an …

Ruby on Rails開発会社に就職する際に留意すべき7つのポイント 続きを読む "


After a long hard day at work, all you want to do is go home, whip something up, have a glass of wine and unwind in front of the flat screen watching mindless soaps. You race home only to be greeted with an empty refrigerator and you are even out of wine. The only choice now is to order in Chinese food, you have been ordering continuously from last week. Even the delivery boy knows you by name. Such a bleak picture, ain’t it? Now imagine this, you are out of food and your refrigerator sends you a message on what to bring and how much to bring based on …

モノのインターネットとデータ分析の探求 続きを読む "

Rails でのモジュールの作成と使用の基本

Ruby on Rails is a wonderful open source full-stack web application framework favouring convention over configuration. With reusable, easily configurable components normally used for creating applications, building applications in Rails is faster and easier resulting in improved productivity and business growth. It is gaining traction with developers as it is flexible, scalable, and easy for web developers to write and maintain applications. Ruby on Rails lays emphasis on to use known engineering patterns and principles in order to reduce the workload when building web applications. Even though there are multiple methods to solve a programming challenge, Ruby professes to rely on commonly used patterns making Rails websites easier to maintain …

Rails でのモジュールの作成と使用の基本 続きを読む "


Do following steps to setup rails environment in the local system 1) CSV : Git and Subversion sudo aptitude install subversion sudo apt-get install git-core And you can also installed the suggested package : git-doc git-arch git-cvs git-svn git-email git-daemon-run git-gui gitk gitweb diff-doc. 1) Database setup: Mysql database: sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client PostgresSQL: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 sudo apt-get install libpq-dev refer link https://hocuspokus.net/2007/11/install-postgresql-on-ubuntu-710 3) Development IDE : Netbeans First download the latest version for Ruby on https://www.netbeans.org/ and install it with sh. You need Java to run Netbeans from command prompt type: sudo sh ./netbeans.sh (path where your netbeans exists)) 1) …

Rails環境をセットアップする 続きを読む "

Heroku でのアプリケーションのデプロイメント

Heroku offers Ruby web developers instant deployment, fast & easy scaling, and vast tool selection. Now we can concentrate on building our applications and forget the tedious deployment and server administration tasks that used to strangle our productivity. We can deploy fast, scale quickly, and adjust to circumstance as needs arise. This article will explain to you how to deploy your applications on the popular platform. It is cloud based application platform for easy deployment of your applications. The integration with Cloud9 IDE makes your development process even more agile. When you use the platform for deploying your application you need to make sure of the following- 1. B y …

Heroku でのアプリケーションのデプロイメント 続きを読む "

Rails 3.1 アプリケーションへの Spree の統合

Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution built with Ruby on Rails. It was originally developed by Sean Schofield and is now maintained by a dedicated core team. You can find out more by visiting the Spree e-commerce project page. It actually consists of several different gems, each of which are maintained in a single repository and documented in a single set of online documentation. By requiring the Spree gem you automatically require all of the necessary gem dependencies which are: spree_api spree_cmd spree_core spree_dash spree_promo spree_sample All of the gems are designed to work together to provide a fully functional e-commerce platform. It is also possible, however, to …

Rails 3.1 アプリケーションへの Spree の統合 続きを読む "

Cucumber を使用した Rails 3.2.3 アプリケーションのテスト (BDD)

What is Cucumber? Cucumber is used for Behavior Driven Development. Cucumber lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid – all rolled into one format. Cucumber works with Ruby on Rails, Java, .NET, Flex or web applications written in any language. It has been translated to over 40 spoken languages. Cucumber also supports more succinct tests in tables – similar to what FIT does. Install cucumber for Rails 3: Install Cucumber, Rspec-rails and capybara gem sudo gem install cucumber-rails sudo gem install database_cleaner sudo gem install rspec-rails sudo gem …

Cucumber を使用した Rails 3.2.3 アプリケーションのテスト (BDD) 続きを読む "

Rails 3.1.0 のアセット パイプライン

Asset pipeline provides a framework to concatenate and minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets. It also adds the ability to write these assets in other languages such as CoffeeScript, Sass and ERB. In Rails 3.1, the rails asset pipeline is enabled by default. It can be disabled in config/application.rb by putting this line inside the application class definition: config.assets.enabled = false we can also disable the asset pipeline while creating a new application by passing the —skip-sprockets option. rails new appname –skip-sprockets Features of asset pipeline: 1.Concatenate assets This feature is important in a production environment, because it can reduce the number of requests that a browser must make …

Rails 3.1.0 のアセット パイプライン 続きを読む "


