
aromal interview

Unpacking the Insights: RailsCarma’s Exclusive Interview Highlight

We at RailsCarma are thrilled to share insights from a recent feature that has shone a spotlight on the ethos, journey, and technical artistry that define us. In an exclusive interview with Website Planet, Aromal Rajagopal, our very own CEO, uncovers the intricate tapestry of innovation and dedication that RailsCarma has woven over the years. Innovating at the Intersection of Art and Technology The interview sheds light on the origins of RailsCarma—rooted deeply in a blend of technical acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. Born from the minds of founders endowed with rich academic backgrounds from top national and Ivy League institutions, RailsCarma took its first steps with an ambitious data center …

Unpacking the Insights: RailsCarma’s Exclusive Interview Highlight 続きを読む "

RailsCarma がトップ Web デザインおよび開発会社リストに掲載されました

In 1983 the Internet was born. Now, there are more than 2 billion websites and approximately more than 10 billion daily active users on the Internet. With the constantly emerging trends in the web design and development, the websites and web apps are proving to be integral to the way we go about things in our day-to-day lives. Furthermore, by integrating the technologies such as location-based services, augmented reality and virtual reality, the websites and apps have contributed significantly to the revenue generation of the businesses.We all know there are hundreds and thousands of web design and development companies, how does one make a choice for the best? If you …

RailsCarma がトップ Web デザインおよび開発会社リストに掲載されました 続きを読む "

RailsCarma は、トップモバイル開発会社の Superbcompanies の評価に含まれています

While wars, natural disasters, and economic crises have been rocking the world, RailsCarma keeps doing what it does the best, i.e. creating outstanding software solutions and reaching new achievements. Thus, recently the company has been recognized by Superbcompanies as one of the best in the niche of mobile app development. This is a great honor for us which has incredibly inspired the whole RailsCarma team to work even harder and open new horizons. We are thankful to be included in the Superbcompanies rating of the top mobile development companies. Besides, we would like to express our deep gratitude to each member of the team, who has put their back into …

RailsCarma は、トップモバイル開発会社の Superbcompanies の評価に含まれています 続きを読む "

RailsCarma はその可能性を活用して革新的なソフトウェア開発サービスを提供します: GoodFirms

RailsCarma is a software development firm founded in 2008 and headquartered in Dallas, California, New York, and Karnataka, India. At RailsCarma, we promise to deliver exceptional software development solutions to help clients increase and expand their business in the long run. As professional Ruby on Rails experts, our team works comprehensively to deliver efficient and quick solutions. The firm has eighteen years of expertise in ROR (Ruby on Rails) development, and they have applied the suitable methodology to help clients solve their complex  situations using the RoR framework. RailsCarma stands on its mission to provide business-focused IT services for small and medium-sized businesses. By harnessing their revolutionary potential and core knowledge …

RailsCarma はその可能性を活用して革新的なソフトウェア開発サービスを提供します: GoodFirms 続きを読む "

RailsCarma はダラスでトップのソフトウェア開発会社になりました

RailsCarma has been named one of the top software development company in Dallas  by Expertise.com. Expertise.com prides itself on only featuring businesses that have been identified by their research process as the best in their area. Using their custom tools and resources, they analyze and conducts annual research and regularly updates market leader lists. Analysts’ findings help those who are looking for service providers of complex technical tasks. They also verify contact and license information to assure selection businesses are actively doing business and are in good standing in their communities. RailsCarma is known to be headquartered in the United States, Dallas and has more than 17 years of experience in …

RailsCarma はダラスでトップのソフトウェア開発会社になりました 続きを読む "

RailsCarma が 2020 年にトップの Ruby on Rails 開発会社として認められる

Now RailsCarma has achieved another milestone: The company has been recognized by a research & analytics agency TechReviewer.co as The Top Ruby on Rails Development Company in 2020. Being featured among the leading Ruby on Rails companies is a great honor for us. We will continue to justify the trust placed in us by our clients and partners. RailsCarma as the Top RoR development company specializes at crafting solutions for entrepreneurs, large organizations, agencies and start-ups. With these solutions that blend together the ingenuous expertise, system prowess, and cloud compatibility, RailsCarma endeavors to maximize the profits that their clients educe from their IT investment. As an industry veteran, RailsCarma has been implementing Ruby on Rails right from its …

RailsCarma が 2020 年にトップの Ruby on Rails 開発会社として認められる 続きを読む "

Carmatec Signs Tech Partnership With Dubai’s Dynamic New Start-Up, eFatoora; Set To Break New Grounds In Digital Technology

BANGALORE, India, March 9, 2018, Carmatec — In another strategic move to expand business in the digitally ‘fertile’ Middle Eastern soil, the multinational digital transformation business Carmatec has announced that it has signed a partnership agreement with the Dubai-based Tech Startup, eFatoora. The collaboration is focused around leveraging emerging technologies such as Blockchain on high-impact projects to bring about dramatic advances and drive HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s vision of paperless Dubai in 2021. In terms of technology advances, BlockChain promises in opening substantial opportunities, especially for the trade & logistics, capital markets, insurance, intellectual property, healthcare and government sector in Dubai. About Carmatec With this …

Carmatec Signs Tech Partnership With Dubai’s Dynamic New Start-Up, eFatoora; Set To Break New Grounds In Digital Technology 続きを読む "

RailsApp をリリースする前に実行すべき 12 のセキュリティ チェック

When you upload your latest App to a production Web server and open it up to the world, you’re really throwing your app to the elements – good and bad. If you don’t pay any attention to security whatsoever, you’re likely to be spammed by some cracker’s nefarious scheme and your users will be complaining when something doesn’t work or they’re being spammed by Nigerian clowns with pots of gold to share. But what to do? 12 Security Checks to be performed before releasing a RailsApp Don’t trust logged in users. (Authentication is one thing, authorization to perform certain tasks is another.) Beware of mass assignments. (Use attr_accessible in your …

RailsApp をリリースする前に実行すべき 12 のセキュリティ チェック 続きを読む "

オフショア RoR Web 開発パートナー – RailsCarma

RailsCarma はオフショア Ruby On Rails 開発を専門とし、インドのバンガロールにあります。 RailsCarma は、Ruby on Rails プラットフォームを使用した特殊な Web 開発サービスを提供します。 RailsCarma は、スタンドアロン形式とサービスとしてのソフトウェア形式の両方で、PaaS プラットフォーム上での Rails/ror アプリケーションの開発において高度な専門知識と経験を持っています。 RailsCarma によって設計、コード化、保守されるプロジェクトは、基幹業務アプリケーション、ヘルスケア分野の業界固有のアプリケーション、他のソフトウェアおよびハードウェア システムと高度な API 統合が行われるスマート グリッド領域で構成されます。 RailsCarma は、2 万人時間を超える労力と 2 年以上の期間を費やしたプロジェクトを処理し、提供してきました。詳細については、Web サイトをご覧ください。

サーバー管理用の Servermascot E ストアは、優れたサービスで顧客を驚かせます

InstaCarma による革新的な製品の発売に成功してからわずか 3 週間以内に、ServerMascot は瞬く間に人気商品になりました。顧客は殺到しており、ServerMascot が提供する幅広いサービスとサポートに非常に満足しています。 ServerMascot の専門エンジニアのチームは、お客様が期限内に最大限の精度で作業を完了できるようにします。 ServerMascot は、発売からこの短期間で顧客からいくつかの素晴らしい評価も受け取りました。お客様の声の中には、「貴社のサービスに本当に満足しています。すべてが完璧に機能しています。」などがあります。ご協力ありがとうございます。Erasmo を必要とする他のプロジェクトでもすぐにお手伝いさせていただきます。マスコットは信頼できます。…

サーバー管理用の Servermascot E ストアは、優れたサービスで顧客を驚かせます 続きを読む "


