2022 年に Ruby on Rails 開発者を雇用する理由

2022 年に Ruby on Rails 開発者を採用する理由

There comes a time for every start-up when it needs to make the choice of its technology right before building the product. For its many start-up friendly qualities, Ruby on Rails is chosen over and over by the start-ups world-wide. This is the reason why, the Ruby on Rails developers have been in high demand right from the time the technology has gained popularity. As 2022 arrives, the question we are faced with is whether this trend will stay or fade away. We are writing this post to analyse how relevant it will be to hire a ruby on rails developer in 2022 and beyond. From what we have observed, …

2022 年に Ruby on Rails 開発者を採用する理由 続きを読む "

エンタープライズ ソフトウェア開発におけるソフトウェア アーキテクチャの重要性

So, you might have the best idea that has the potential to disrupt the market. You can hire a top-notch developer to give it a shape, use cutting-edge technology, and whatnot. But does that guarantee its success? Does that ensure that it’ll be one of the most excellent implementations? If you think so, think again. And that’s because you are missing out on one of the most critical aspects of the software development lifecycle, the SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE. Software development is an amalgamation of various steps. This includes concept outlining, design, development, testing, and more. However, this is not just it. Another crucial step is that of software architecture planning. In …

エンタープライズ ソフトウェア開発におけるソフトウェア アーキテクチャの重要性 続きを読む "

Ruby IDE: Ruby on Rails 開発に最適な IDE

The most amazing and super functional web development framework – Ruby on rails (Ruby programming language). The Ruby on Rails IDE is based on the MVC framework, wherein it encourages the user to use different web standards, and this will have a default structure for a web service, a database, and the web pages on the website. Explore the best ideas for RUBY ON RAILS web framework! The reason: For software development, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) offers the best comprehensive facilities to the developers wherein it comes with three parts – the source editor, build automation tool, and the debugger. Uses of Ruby on Rails IDE: The main use case …

Ruby IDE: Ruby on Rails 開発に最適な IDE 続きを読む "

Ruby on Rails Web アプリケーションを介して音声通話を行う

In today’s life everyone is busy with there work, no one wants to recieve unwanted or spam calls to their phones. So, if you want to filter out the spam calls or unpriority calls you can do so using Plivo. Plivo provides Ruby SDK as well as well-maintained documentation to integrate Plivo for voice calls in application. Here, I am demonstrating how to create your first voice call using Plivo in Ruby on Rails Web Application First of all you should have rails application. I am creating new here, $ rails new plivo_demo Add $ gem ‘plivo’, ‘>= 4.8.1’ to Gemfile and run $ bundle command Get Plivo credentials: – Goto:  …

Ruby on Rails Web アプリケーションを介して音声通話を行う 続きを読む "

Rails で MySQL データベースをインポート/エクスポートするには?

Here’s How you can Import and Export MySQL Database – To Export DB mysqldump -u [username] -p [db_name] > [sql_file_name.sql] – Make its tar(compress) for easily share with other system: tar -czvf [any_name.tar.gz] [sql_file_name.sql]   – Share it to the other system where you want to import it. – Untar the compressed file:tar -xzf [any_name.tar.gz] – To Import database mysql -u [username] -p [db_name] < [sql_file_name.sql] Thanks! Whether you are up for developing a small or large application, you need to be sure of the development process should takes place smoothly and seamlessly all the while having clear and organized codes. Even for experienced developers, it is not possible to …

Rails で MySQL データベースをインポート/エクスポートするには? 続きを読む "

RailsCarma が 2020 年にトップの Ruby on Rails 開発会社として認められる

Now RailsCarma has achieved another milestone: The company has been recognized by a research & analytics agency as The Top Ruby on Rails Development Company in 2020. Being featured among the leading Ruby on Rails companies is a great honor for us. We will continue to justify the trust placed in us by our clients and partners. RailsCarma as the Top RoR development company specializes at crafting solutions for entrepreneurs, large organizations, agencies and start-ups. With these solutions that blend together the ingenuous expertise, system prowess, and cloud compatibility, RailsCarma endeavors to maximize the profits that their clients educe from their IT investment. As an industry veteran, RailsCarma has been implementing Ruby on Rails right from its …

RailsCarma が 2020 年にトップの Ruby on Rails 開発会社として認められる 続きを読む "

RoR アプリケーション開発を簡素化する 7 つのツール

Developers are always on the lookout for the best cutting-edge technologies and tools to implement on their web development projects. Although there are many amazing IDEs that are taking the web development world by storm, Ruby on Rails has always been one of the most popular solutions. Building web applications through a fast and cost-effective development process, Ruby on Rails is a dynamic and open source programming language that comes with an elegant syntax that provides ease in reading and writing. The main focus is on simplicity and productivity. However, keeping your code clean and organized while developing a large Rails application can be a grueling task for even the …

RoR アプリケーション開発を簡素化する 7 つのツール 続きを読む "

アジャイル Web 開発手法を選択する理由は何ですか?

When you develop your application using an advanced and user-friendly technology such as Ruby on Rails, it has been observed that agile methodology has several advantages over waterfall. As the trend goes, so far many organisations have showed reluctance in making the switch to agile despite knowing it is going to take their efficiency to the next level. This is the reason why we decided to walk you through some of the most important advantages of going agile as you decide to take this major step forward. Key Principles of Agile Business and technology teams are located in the same, open environment. Programming is directed by the test cases written …

アジャイル Web 開発手法を選択する理由は何ですか? 続きを読む "

RubyとRuby on Railsの違い

At some point of time, when choosing the technology tools for your business application, you are faced with this question – “what is the difference between ‘Ruby’ and ‘Ruby on Rails’”. Let us try to get this sorted for you so you could make an informed decision on your choice of web application technology. What is Ruby? Ruby is a programming language – the one your developer uses to write the program for your application – just the way they use PHP or C++ – Ruby is also one of those. A programming language is nothing but a set of keywords and symbols that are used by a developer to …

RubyとRuby on Railsの違い 続きを読む "

Ruby on Rails 開発にフリーランサーを雇う理由、あるいは雇わない理由は何ですか?

With its speed, coding efficiency and programmer-friendly approach, Ruby on Rails has gained remarkable popularity in the world of technology. Its rich and extensive resources of all the frameworks and libraries combined with the focus on object-oriented syntax, clean coding practices and the well-developed community, Ruby on Rails is time-tested and market-proven as a developer-friendly technology. While theoretically it may sound like a great idea to hire freelance RoR developers and get your project accomplished, you get exposed to the real challenges of on-boarding freelance developers only once you gain a first-hand experience of it. The wide-ranging challenges freelancing brings with it, entail the need for efficient and agile project …

Ruby on Rails 開発にフリーランサーを雇う理由、あるいは雇わない理由は何ですか? 続きを読む "


