レール 3

Bundler : Ruby アプリケーション gem の管理が簡単になりました。

Bundler は Rails 3 で導入された新しい概念で、アプリケーションの gem を管理するのに役立ちます。これは、アプリケーションに必要な gem をインストールして含めるために使用されます。 gem がシステムバンドルで利用可能な場合はそれを使用し、そうでない場合は Rubygems.org から同じものを選択します。 Bundler は、Ruby が Gemfile 内に存在するすべての gem を、もちろんすべての依存関係とともに見つけられるようにします。 Rails アプリケーションを使用している場合は、アプリケーションにはバンドラーを呼び出すために必要なコードがデフォルトで含まれていることに注意してください。はじめる …

Bundler : Ruby アプリケーション gem の管理が簡単になりました。 続きを読む "

Web アプリケーションのセキュリティ責任

Flicking of TV channels, clicks of mouse or the turning of newspapers pages would have inadvertently told you about the various hacking of mega corporations, with misappropriated data, personal and financial information. This type of hacks have left a lot of corporations embarrassed for failing to protect their business image. Web Application Security is the prime concern these days. What used to be solitary incidents, have become really common. Hacking is an increasing hazard for businesses as well individuals. The internet being the web of inter-connected networks has become a large ground for hackers to play in. Whether it is data theft, access disruption, fraud, hackers can adversely compromise any …

Web アプリケーションのセキュリティ責任 続きを読む "

Rails でのモジュールの作成と使用の基本

Ruby on Rails is a wonderful open source full-stack web application framework favouring convention over configuration. With reusable, easily configurable components normally used for creating applications, building applications in Rails is faster and easier resulting in improved productivity and business growth. It is gaining traction with developers as it is flexible, scalable, and easy for web developers to write and maintain applications. Ruby on Rails lays emphasis on to use known engineering patterns and principles in order to reduce the workload when building web applications. Even though there are multiple methods to solve a programming challenge, Ruby professes to rely on commonly used patterns making Rails websites easier to maintain …

Rails でのモジュールの作成と使用の基本 続きを読む "

Rails API の概要

API stands for Application Interface Program, which provides one application to interact with ‘n’ number of applications which is of same/different language, to access the data/functionality. Creating API application provides more scalability to the web applications. It will also helps for the easy integration with cross domain applications/languages. • iOS apps • Android apps • Node js framework • Angular js framework There are 2 ways to achieve this in rails. 1. We can easily create a new API application using gem called rails-api, which inherit the application from ActionControllerAPI instead of ActionControllerBase and it will skip view generation. This will also helps to configure the middlewares. 2. In case …

Rails API の概要 続きを読む "

SVN リポジトリのリビジョン履歴からファイルを削除する

When we work on a private repository which is used for our personal testing or development, we may upload some private data. The unwanted file uploads in multiple commits will drastically increase the repository size. Once the development work is over and when we decide to make the repository public, we will have to consider removing the private data committed to repository in the development phase. We can easily remove it from the application at our development machine and give a commit to the repository. But the data still remains in the previous commits. Here we have to find a solution for removing the files from revision history. If we …

SVN リポジトリのリビジョン履歴からファイルを削除する 続きを読む "

RoR インストール フォーム ソースとテスト アプリのデプロイ

• download the ruby source, then unzip, untar, configure and install [root@railstestwebmin ~]#wget http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.bz2 [root@railstestwebmin ~]#tar xjvf ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.bz2 [root@railstestwebmin ~]#cd ruby-1.9.3-p194 [root@railstestwebmin ruby-1.9.3-p194]#./configure [root@railstestwebmin ruby-1.9.3-p194]#make [root@railstestwebmin ruby-1.9.3-p194]#make install • check the ruby version [root@railstestwebmin ~]#ruby -v • download ruby gems and install [root@railstestwebmin ~]#wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/76073/rubygems-1.8.24.tgz [root@railstestwebmin ~]#tar xzvf rubygems-1.8.24.tgz [root@railstestwebmin ~]#cd rubygems-1.8.24 [root@railstestwebmin rubygems-1.8.24]#ruby setup.rb • installing Rails by using ruby gems (gem is a package manager) [root@railstestwebmin ~]#gem install rails –include-dependencies • creating an application [root@railstestwebmin ~]#rails new prv —for creating prv application and rails is a binary command inside this application root scripts folder, check the database.yml file for which database this application is using. • running the …

RoR インストール フォーム ソースとテスト アプリのデプロイ 続きを読む "

Engine Yard – The Upcoming Cloud Platform

Engine Yard is one of the leading development and deployment platform for the cloud. With a unique combination of Ruby on Rails Expertise, operations automation, open source community involvement, and world class service. Engine Yard empowers businesses to build and run cloud based applications easily and cost effectively. More than 2,200 customers, from explosive growth Web start ups to Fortune 500 enterprises, trust Engine Yard for fast deployment, rapid scaling, high performance, and 24×7 up time, allowing them to leverage Rails agility for competitive advantage. Engine Yard provides a powerful degree of control over the environment when compared to Heroku. Engine Yard Cloud offers users the flexibility to build a …

Engine Yard – The Upcoming Cloud Platform 続きを読む "

Railsアプリケーションでlinkedin APIを使用するにはどうすればよいですか?

LinkedIn  provides 2 APIs: The JavaScript API is a rich client library enabling you to build dynamic applications in the web browser. Use OAuth 2 to easily authorize users via the “Sign In with LinkedIn” button, access LinkedIn data with native objects, and interact with Plugins. The REST API provides a simple, consistent representation of people, companies, jobs, and the interactions and relationships between them. Our query language lets you read data in XML and JSON at the granularity and aggregation that you choose. Use OAuth 1.0a to authorize users and begin making REST API calls using any programming language. 1. Initialize your linkedin api key and secret key Linked …

Railsアプリケーションでlinkedin APIを使用するにはどうすればよいですか? 続きを読む "

Ruby on Rails 3.1 に興奮しています!

Ours is a very dynamic world, especially for developers or Ruby on Rails Developers to be specific. Things which you like working on and best comfortable with can change in a sudden splash of thunder!!! We are one of the best examples of human’s adaptability. On a serious note few highlights of newly released Rails 3.1 are Streaming Assets Pipeline jQuery as the default JavaScript library Here is a brief idea about them. Streaming (http streaming) This lets the browser download your stylesheets and JavaScript files while the server is still generating the response. This requires Ruby 1.9.2 is opt-in and requires support from the web server as well, but …

Ruby on Rails 3.1 に興奮しています! 続きを読む "

Ruby 1.9.2 で Rails 3 をセットアップする際に直面する問題

Ruby 1.9.2 を使用してすべてのアプリケーションを Rails 3 に移行しましたが、Ruby をインストールした後、エラーはほとんど発生しませんでした。そのうちのいくつかは、1) IRB コンソールで矢印キーが機能せず、「ロードするファイルがありません –readline」エラーです。これは、readline 拡張機能が Ruby ソースとともにインストールされていない場合に発生する問題です。このエラーを修正するには、Ruby をダウンロードしてインストールした Ruby ソース フォルダーに移動するだけです。 1. cd ~/ruby-1.9.2 2. cd ext/readline そして以下のコマンドを実行します。 3. Ruby extconf.rb 4. make 5. sudo make install Ruby extconf.rb の実行中に「..no …」というエラーが表示された場合

Ruby 1.9.2 で Rails 3 をセットアップする際に直面する問題 続きを読む "


