

Airbrake is an Error Monitoring Software, which most of us developers welcome with open arms. It basically helps you deal with Production errors, by maintaining a log for the same, capturing the exact URL, number of occurrences, the culprit file which caused the error, all in all, a complete Stack trace for you to fall back on.It looks something like this; What you are seeing above is a snapshot of a Resolved Error, specifically AbstractController::ActionNotFound error.As you can see, all the information is broken down beautifully for all the help needed in Debugging. And this is just one of the tabs, there is more information for you to dig into. …

エラーの監視と検出のためのエアブレーキ 続きを読む "

Rails 用ポケットベル義務および例外通知プラグイン

PagerDuty を使用すると、すべての監視アラームとアラートの全体像を 1 か所で確認できます。この便利なプラグインの主要な属性を見てみましょう。 監視集約ツールとして機能 PagerDuty は、システム管理チームとサポート チームのアラーム集約およびディスパッチ ツールとして機能します。監視ツールからアラートを収集しながら、すべての監視アラームとアラートの全体像を勤務中のエンジニアに伝え、問題が発生した場合に備えてアラートをリアルタイムで更新します。すべてのオープンソースおよび商用ツールを含む、さまざまな監視システムと互換性があります。注目すべき監視ツールのいくつか…

Rails 用ポケットベル義務および例外通知プラグイン 続きを読む "

基本的な Git コマンド

Git is an open-source version control system and a command-line tool, it is used by programmers, developers, and designers to store projects and keep track of changes to their files. github.com is the website where developers can store their projects. Some basic git command is mentioned below: git clone /path/to/repository This command is used to clone the application in local repository. Create a working copy of a local repository. git init Create a new local repository. git add This command used to Add all the files to staging. git commit -m “Commit message” Commit changes to head (but not yet to the remote repository). git config –global user.name “jyoti” / …

基本的な Git コマンド 続きを読む "

Rails Development: Coding Conventions & Best Practices

What’s in a name A good name answers important questions. What does it contain? What does it mean? How would I use it? What  role  does  it  play? Always name your methods based on their behaviour, not implementation. Consider, By looking at the method name above, we can predict it’s going to perform 2-3 database operations, but when I’m working in Business model, why would it concern me? Going  by,  naming  method  based  on  their  business  role,  the  method  can  be  renamed  as, Structural Naming Another common strategy is to name things for their role in the program. It’s the input or the output. It’s the recurring phrase or the …

Rails Development: Coding Conventions & Best Practices 続きを読む "

Faker Gem: Ruby での偽データ生成

Gems are libraries in Rails that generally enable you to write the application code faster and thereby making a great product in far lesser time. Usually, whenever we start developing any application, there comes a point when we need data which we can use to see how the application will behave while doing some load testing or how it would look when we deploy it to the production. The manual process of creating the data can be daunting. Faker gem serves to take this pain away by generating the fake data just as needed and saving us all the time and effort otherwise wasted in the manual process of data-generation. …

Faker Gem: Ruby での偽データ生成 続きを読む "

What’s new in Rails 5.1

For each one of us who’s been waiting for the release of the all-new and neat and clean version of Rails 5.1, the wait is over. The new version of Rails 5.1 easily accepts the SPA (Single Page Application) and it also represents a genuine upgradation in terms of performance and structure of Rails, one of the most popular frameworks. A multitude of improvements such as system testing, encryption and managing JavaScript dependencies are supported by Rails 5.1 Some Rails 5.1 features are listed below: Ruby Version It requires Ruby 2.3.1 or greater version of ruby. No More RAKE Commands When we want to run a migration in Rails 4 …

What’s new in Rails 5.1 続きを読む "

jQuery画像サイズ変更プラグイン: ImgLiquid

ImgLiquid is a jQuery plugin for resizing the images so that these images can fit in the container. Features Optional Responsive (default settings are ‘off’). Lightweight: less than 2KBs gzipped Fill/Crop Align CallBacks Svg support Optional FadeIn Anim (default settings are ‘off’) Compatible with all browsers (Incl. ie6) Why to use? It’s a very good plugin for us to be able to maintain high quality of the image specially at the time of resizing it. You must have witnessed that oftentimes when we upload an image of any shape, be it vertical or horizontal, its quality gets degraded significantly. Hence, in order to maintain the image quality at the time …

jQuery画像サイズ変更プラグイン: ImgLiquid 続きを読む "

Getting Started with Sass – Learning the Basics and Its Installation

Perhaps you already heard about Sass (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) and you are interested in it, but don’t have an idea about how to set it up or incorporate it into your project. In the most basic form, Sass is known as the CCS processor, which makes it possible for the CCS writing to become more proficient and quicker. We will go over about the basics and installations of Sass for both Mac and Windows. The Basic Learning about Sass There are a few learning curves when it comes to the use and setup of Sass. In order for you to move forward with the Sass project, you need to have …

Getting Started with Sass – Learning the Basics and Its Installation 続きを読む "

Textacular Gem を使用して Rails アプリケーション内のデータを検索する方法

We might have heard about a lot many gems which let us implement search functionality in our rails application; for example: searchkick, elasticsearch-rails, ransack and finally, sunspot to work with solr search engine. All these gems have their own advantages. Both searchkick and elasticsearch use redis to search the data as well as need to perform a ‘reindex’ while inserting new data. In one of my recent projects, I happened to use a gem called as Textacular. It’s simple and very easy to use. Textacular Gem: It is a gem that provides full text search capabilities for PostgreSQL Database. It basically caters to extend the scope of the work performed …

Textacular Gem を使用して Rails アプリケーション内のデータを検索する方法 続きを読む "

Decent Exposure Gem – Goodbye to repeating instance variables

Introduction Github: Decent Exposure Gem Decent Exposure allows us to create exposed variables that can be used across the controller’s actions instead repeating instance variables. Exposed variables are accessible from views as well and memorize the resultant values. In other words, it is a helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers. Some Points Improving encapsulation Variables for views can visible at the top of the controller Compatible with strong_parameters, decorators Exposes code smells. Have a look here: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CodeSmell Tips to play with decent exposure gem in a Rails app Add gem ‘decent_exposure’ to the Gemfile and run bundle install How a controller uses decent_exposure looks like: By default, Decent exposure …

Decent Exposure Gem – Goodbye to repeating instance variables 続きを読む "


